But You Should Probably Read This...
If you live in the middle east, invest in Pepsi.
Try to change my mind, and one day I will be right about everything.
Jim has a dog for a pet. You have never seen his dog, so you just have to take my word for it that he has a dog at his house. As evidence that Jim has a dog I offer the following facts.It’s pretty damn effective, though, and the conspicuous lack of defamation lawsuits against Moore stand as testimony to either his honesty or his skill in this sort of deceptive manipulation (it’s really hard to prove that a man was engaged in defamation when he makes little to any outright claims; see here and here for definitions of libel and defamation). I aim to show that it’s the latter.
1) There is animal hair all over his couch.
2) There are bowls of food and water in his kitchen.
3) He has a box of Hartz flea collars under his sink.
4) He makes regular trips to the veterinarian.
5) He buys canned pet food once a week.
Pretty compelling evidence of my assertion, right? Well, Jim doesn’t have a dog; Jim has a cat.
Weeping children outside Columbine;Moore has created the following impression: the NRA was blatantly insensitive to the Columbine tragedy, and Heston was/is an ass. Note, however, that he hasn’t said any of these things explicitly.
Cut to Charlton Heston holding a musket and proclaiming "I have only five words for you: 'from my cold, dead, hands'";
Cut to billboard advertising the meeting, while Moore intones "Just ten days after the Columbine killings, despite the pleas of a community in mourning, Charlton Heston came to Denver and held a large pro-gun rally for the National Rifle Association;"
Cut to Heston (supposedly) continuing speech... "I have a message from the Mayor, Mr. Wellington Webb, the Mayor of Denver. He sent me this; it says 'don't come here. We don't want you here.' I say to the Mayor this is our country, as Americans we're free to travel wherever we want in our broad land. Don't come here? We're already here!"
From the end of my narration setting up Heston's speech in Denver, with my words, "a big pro-gun rally," every word out of Charlton Heston's mouth was uttered right there in Denver, just 10 days after the Columbine tragedy.Moore is a genius. He’s right, of course; for his words “big pro-gun ralley” come after Heston says “cold, dead hands.” So he isn’t lying. But his implication is certainly deceptive. He implies that Heston was an ass and that the NRA was blatantly insensitive to the needs of the victims of Columbine. He doesn’t mention at all that the NRA meeting was required by law, or that it had been set up a year in advance, or that most of it had been cancelled except those portions required by law. Those points would hurt the image he’s set up.
The man who was in charge of the decision desk at FOX on election night was Bush’s first cousin, John Ellis.Right after Moore says this, he cuts to a scene of Bush laughing.
FAHRENHEIT 9/11: “In his first eight months in office before September 11, George W. Bush was on vacation, according to the Washington Post, forty-two percent of the time.”Read that carefully.
· “News coverage has pointedly stressed that W.'s month-long stay at his ranch in Crawford is the longest presidential vacation in 32 years. Washington Post supercomputers calculated that if you add up all his weekends at Camp David, layovers at Kennebunkport and assorted to-ing and fro-ing, W. will have spent 42 percent of his presidency ‘at vacation spots or en route.’” Charles Krauthammer, “A Vacation Bush Deserves,” The Washington Post, August 10, 2001.
Kennedy: Sure! How can I help?But he put the rest of the footage in, making Kennedy look like an idiot. In the final cut, Kennedy gives Moore a quizzical look, and then the scene changes.
There are number of people asking about fixed and its meaning. This is a real joke. I do not know anyone in the UK who took it to mean anything other than fixed as in fixed a race, fixed an election, fixed the intelligence. If you fix something, you make it the way you want it. The intelligence was fixed and as for the reports that said this was one British official. Pleeeaaassee! This was the head of MI6. How much authority do you want the man to have? He has just been to Washington, he has just talked to George Tenet. He said the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. That translates in clearer terms as the intelligence was being cooked to match what the administration wanted it to say to justify invading Iraq. Fixed means the same here as it does there.
Lt. Col. Frederick P. Wellman, who works with the task force overseeing the training of Iraqi security troops, said the insurgency doesn't seem to be running out of new recruits, a dynamic fueled by tribal members seeking revenge for relatives killed in fighting.Moving on:
"We can't kill them all," Wellman said. "When I kill one I create three."
The records, which the Navy Personnel Command provided to the Globe, are mostly a duplication of what Kerry released during his 2004 campaign for president, including numerous commendations from commanding officers who later criticized Kerry's Vietnam service.Funny. I wonder why they would change their stories? Could it be that they were lying during the campaign?
Indeed, one of the first actions of the group that came to be known as Swift Boat Veterans for Truth was to call on Kerry to sign a privacy waiver and release all of his military and medical records.
But Kerry refused, even though it turned out that the records included commendations from some of the same veterans who were criticizing him.
These terrorists operated in direct contravention of the rules of war.How would you respond to the following protests:
They didn’t wear identifiable uniforms. They targeted civilians. And so on. Under the Geneva Convention, they are not prisoners of war and have no legal protection.
(I'm currently of the humble opinion that the Geneva Convention still qualifies.)
For MG:
Same question, how would you respond to the following protests:
(To me, the funniest thing about the Killian documents was O'Reilly defending Rather, in a column I'd link to were the site free.)
For Emery:
Again, same question, the following protests:
For Emery and MG:
(And speaking of the Swift Vets, I have yet to hear a good explanation of the reason why their loyalties were so sharply divided: almost without exception, those in Kerry's own boat favored him, and those in other boats did not. That seems too odd to be coincidental.)
James, again:
I'm really curious about your answer to the following issues raised by MG:
MG, Emery, these from James:
That's all I can think of. Will chime in on gay marriage later.
and your comment about Durban displays for all, James, your own ignorance. I bet you don't even know what he actually said. I bet you only know what Rush and Sean and Bill told you to believe he said. And that's exactly the ignorance I'm talking about.
Are you out of your goddamn mind?
This is ridiculous. I mean really. ANWR - at least the part of ANWR we would be drilling in - is a barren waste land, not a cathedral.
He just wants to reduce U.S. energy consumption, and it is a convenient rationale to bring in other people who wouldn't normally support his deep green position.
And the idea that China will switch over to uneconomical hybrid cars simply because the U.S. has the "bully pulpit" is similarly absurd. We had the bully pulpit in 1989, and they still massacred the demonstrators at Tiennaman. They don't care about what we think about their internal policies. They certainly aren't going to wreck their economy to keep U.S. enviro activists happy.
Check out my article on the ES site
Take this article. Science was basically lying to advance the Global Warming line. Environmentalists don't come at Global Warming from a neutral, fact finding framework. They view human activity as inherently evil and sinful and wrong, and want to contain it in any way possible.
I stand by my work, which was published in a peer-reviewed refereed journal--indeed, one of the leading peer reviewed scientific journals in the world. If Mr Peiser has something that he thinks contributes to the discussion, then he should do the same--submit it for peer review, rather than trying to have the issue adjudicated in the mass media.
The current scientific consensus on global warming is summarized by the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and endorsed by major national science academies. In their Third Assessment Report, they concluded that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities".
There is no reason to force people to buy expensive hybrids just to make environmentalists happy. There is a lot of other things that money could go towards, instead of needlessly expensive vehicles: medical care, education, reuben sandwhiches, high speed internet access, you name it. It is a bad idea all around.
It is important to be as accurate as possible when talking about something where the moral high ground is highly and vehemently disputed - i.e., the Iraq War. Any failure of research, foolish arguments, or blatant dishonesty that appears in discussions about the War, especially when used to prove a point, is wrong, and doubly so because it turns off those who might be convinced of the truth.In short, I don´t have to agree with the War or think that the WMD´s existed to say that what MG is saying is wrong, utterly wrong, and in very poor judgement. I´m talking about this in particular:
Why can’t Bush be blamed for this? Should the rules of war somehow include something about laying down all arms if you are fighting against the United States? That “collateral damage” should be the fault of the people who are killed for not leaving their homes and becoming refugees in Syria? Bush invaded a country that didn’t attack us based on lies. Now a minimum of 100,000 innocent civilians are dead. If Bush hadn’t invaded, those people would be alive.
The deaths in the Iraq War, because they came as a response to Bush's invasion, are to be blamed on Bush.
This isn't what you said at first. Your original words were, and I quote, "Bush has killed more innocent civilians than bin Laden by more than a factor of 10" (from the comments on Ben's post). I'm glad to see you've at least changed your phrasing. So here's my question:
Of those 100,000 innocent civilian deaths, why is it that you have no problem absolving the Iraqis who are directly responsible, while placing all the blame on Bush, who is indirectly responsible?
I bother to ask because, though you may be right about Bush being to blame, if you make that argument by claiming that he is solely responsible for 100,000 deaths that would not have happened had he not invaded, you're going to be written off as an idiot. And justly so, because the argument is foolish. If it is acceptable to make the invader solely responsible for all subsequent deaths (since you have absolved the 'insurgents'), then the following people are responsible for the following atrocities:
This is obviously not how it works. Now, as a disclaimer, I'm not suggesting that Iraq was anything near as bad as Auschwitz, or Jasenovac, or that we invaded because we knew of these kinds of atrocities (the comparison, quite frankly, is almost insulting to Holocaust survivors). The point is, however, that in an effort to denounce Bush and the Iraq War, you've made a serious lapse of judgement and logic: you've placed all the blame for a morally ambiguous war on one man, George Herbert Walker, and you've made a claim you cannot possibly back up:
Now a minimum of 100,000 innocent civilians are dead. If Bush hadn’t invaded, those people would be alive.
You don't know that. For all you know, they might have been dead in mass graves (or these ones, or these ones) or they might have been killed by Uday or executed on Qusay´s orders, or they might have performed poorly in a sporting event and suffered in Uday´s Iron Maiden.
These things are obviously lamentable, and I´m not claiming that they were the reason we went to Iraq. Because they´re not. But MG has either ignored them or not heard of them, and neither option is good for someone who is claiming that Bush is responsible for 100,000 deaths, deaths that would have been prevented had we not invaded. You don´t know that. The only reason you´ve stated it that way is to make your moral ground appear higher. You´ve phrased the situation, MG, so that it sounds like the US invaded a peaceful utopia. That´s not only wrong; it´s absurd to the point of blatant scholarly irresponsibility. Iraq was a brutal country, and we removed a brutal dictator. We can argue at a different point whether or not we did so based on lies, but to the average citizen that doesn´t have to live in fear, our false pretenses for war are probably irrelevant. And I say this knowing that, at the very least, not all the news from Iraq is bad.
What´s the point? Well, if you´re going to make an argument denouncing the Iraq War, you´d better be sure your moral outrage has good reason. And your moral outrage, MG, has made Bush responsible for these deaths. And these ones. And these ones. MG, this is absurd. You are blaming Bush for the deaths that Iraqis have inflicted on other Iraqi civilians. They car-bombed children, for crying out loud. Children.
(I realize you´ve claimed that a whole new set of photos are to be released that include the sexual abuse of children. If you´re right, I´ll be as pissed off as you are, but you´re going to need a helluva good citation to make me believe that. Please furnish one.)
Should the rules of war somehow include something about laying down all arms if you are fighting against the United States? That “collateral damage” should be the fault of the people who are killed for not leaving their homes and becoming refugees in Syria?
Open challenge: tell me one thing that Michael Moore got right in F9/11.
An Aug. 1, 2002, memo from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, addressed to Gonzales, said that torturing suspected al Qaeda members abroad "may be justified" and that international laws against torture "may be unconstitutional if applied to interrogation" conducted against suspected terrorists.A whole new set of photos are going to be released soon as well. These photos are going to include the sexual abuse of children. And before you go blame the messenger, remember that it’s the fault of the person doing the crime, not the person who tells the story of the crime.
The document provided legal guidance for the CIA, which crafted new, more aggressive techniques for its operatives in the field.